Monday, November 10, 2008

Fire damages century-old building and achives

Fire damaged on October 22 the 104-year-old building housing Central Union Church Preschool & Kindergarten in Makiki. The school had moved into the former B.F. Dillingham's "Woodlawn" estate building 80 years ago, on October 16, 1928. Beside classrooms, the building also stored the school's archives.

Fire is no stranger to Central Union Church; a 1886 waterfront fire destroyed Bethel Union Church, which in 1887 joined with Fort Street Church to form Central Union Church. The first Central Union Church (left) was located on what now is the grounds of the State Capitol, across from Washington Place. In the 1920s the church moved, dedicating its current sactuary at the Makiki site in 1924.